2016年6月11日 星期六



Glencadam 14 Year Old Oloroso Sherry Cask Finish 70cl 46.0%

Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt

Nose: Sherried peels, dates, custard and apple crumble. Pepper, cinnamon and barley malt.
Palate: Rich, fruity palate with notes of clean malt and buttery toffee. Gingernut biscuits and walnut loaf.
Finish: Good length with sweet spices and fruit.

Awards for Glencadam 14 YO

Gold Liquid Gold Award - 2014
Jim Murray's Whisky Bible
Silver Scotch Single Malt - Highland - 2013
International Wine & Spirit Competition

Glencadam 21 Year Old 70cl 46.0%

Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt

Nose: Buttery and sweet with notes of tropical fruits, citrus, marmalade, toast and custard.
Palate: Spicy and tingling on the tongue with oak-led spices, vanilla, cinnamon and allspice, creamy pineapple and hints of coconut alongside toasted barley.
Finish: Good length with some oaky dryness and tropical fruit.

Awards for Glencadam 21

Silver Distillers' Single Malts 21 years old and over - 2014
International Spirits Challenge
Silver Scotch Single Malt - Highland - 2014
International Wine & Spirit Competition
Gold Highlands & Islands 19-25yo - 2013
The Scotch Whisky Masters (The Spirits Business)

Glencadam 15 Year Old 70cl 46.0%

Glencadam 15 Bottling Note

The new release of Glencadam 15 year old, at a higher strength for extra character. This was released in 2008.


The Glencadam Distillery was founded in 1825,about 200 yards from Brechin Distillery.The first recorded owner is David Scott, who was proprietor from 1827 to 1837.The distillery changed hands a number of times between 1837 and 1891. Gilmour, Thompson & Company Limited purchased the distillery in 1891 and used some of the Glencadam product in their Royal Blend brand of blended whisky.The distillery, as with most others, reduced production during World War 2 owing to fuel and grain rationing.
Hiram Walker bought the distillery in 1954, they were bought by George Ballantine & Son Ltd two years later, and ownership of the distillery eventually passed to Allied Domecq through further consolidartion in the industry.Allied Domecq mothballed the distillery in 2000 before selling the distillery to the present owners, Angus Dundee plc in 2003. Angus Dundee also own the Tomintoul Distillery.
The present owners quickly resumed production and the product from the distillery is used in their own blended and vatted malt whisky products, as well as being sold to other blenders. As of July 2010 Glencadam Malt Whisky is available in a range of official bottlings aged 10 to 21 years, as a component of Ballantine's and Stewart's Cream of the Barley blended whiskies, Angus Dundee's own blended and vatted whiskies, and in a number of other blended brands. Independent bottlings are also readily available, both as single malt and as vatted malts.
In November 2008, Angus Dundee plc re-launched the Glencadam line with new packaging and added a new 10 year-old single malt. Then, in July 2010 the company added three new expressions: a 21-year-old, a 12-year-old finished in port wood, and a 14-year-old finished in an oloroso sherry cask.

格蘭卡登GLENCADAM的故鄉:高地區(Highland): 高地區的地勢起伏非常劇烈,同時加上氣候凜冽,因此也塑造了較有個性的威士忌產品形象,帶有一些泥煤燻香與海水鹽味,同時高地的水質與空氣也是影響口感非常關鍵的要素Angus Dundee Distillers Plc 擁有20餘萬桶各種存儲時間的優質威士忌原酒,最老的原酒已經存放於橡木桶長達40年以上。 Angus Dundee Distillers Plc,擁有二家純麥威士忌的釀造生產基地,能供應蘇格蘭原產的瓶裝酒或者出口本地桶裝威士忌,配合當地進行瓶裝。

格蘭卡登Glencadam酒廠 位於蘇格蘭高地HIGHLAND的古老村莊伯郡,也是Angus 地區唯一的一家釀酒廠。 始創於1825年,蒸餾釀酒在蘇格蘭正式合法後的一年後。Glencadam 威士忌酒廠每年生產1.5百萬升威士忌,最老的威士忌已經存放於橡木桶30年以上。

特別的水質那裡的泉水形狀非常特別,不同于水往下流,她是沿著15度的往上抛物線頑固地 逆流而上,柔軟的水質純淨清亮。這也造就了產品獨特的馥鬱芳香。泉水從紅色花崗岩土層流經過灌木地帶的泥炭層,因此帶有一股特有的泥炭芳香。更可貴的是, 這泉水能溶解能力超群,能較多的溶解大麥芽的蛋白質,提取更多的浸出物,賦予威士忌特有的韻味。當地的民眾因此把這純淨清亮的神選之水當作上天的厚愛,對 她溺愛之極進行精心而嚴格的保護。

