2016年5月28日 星期六

ARAMASA 新政 新政酒造 秋田県






SARASOJU 沙羅双樹 盛川酒造 廣島県

沙羅双樹 純米大吟釀 50 720ML

沙羅双樹是佛經裡提及的一種植物,事實上卻也存在於現實,其花如山茶一般淡雅高潔,盛川家的沙羅双樹引自「平家物語」,盛川的社長說這是取其「無常」的涵 意。採用兵庫縣特A地區產的山田錦。若要說酒米的最高峰,兵庫縣產的山田錦絕對名列其中。在當中被視為最高級的產地莫過於吉川町。吉川町所產特級以上的山 田錦毫不吝惜地全量使用。追求的酒質的平均,將日本清酒該有的香、酸、甜、辛、澀都能夠充份表現,卻又各自沉穩而不張揚。

DAISHINSYU 大信州 大信州酒造 長野県

大信州 大吟釀 斗瓶 720ML

KAKUREI 鶴齡 高木酒造 新潟県

鶴齢 純米大吟釀 720ML

HAKKAISAN 八海山 八海山釀造株式会社 新潟県

八海山 金剛心 純米大吟釀 800ML

從原料米開始,嚴選特A區山田錦米和日本第一產區的五百萬石,兩款酒米高度精米釀造,優點相互融合,並運用大吟釀造酒技法精釀而成。零度C以下的環境中,貯 藏熟成2年,酒香高雅,為純米大吟釀的顛峰之作!金剛心名稱來自於佛語:心物一元,如不動之金剛心。就如同酒廠創立以來,釀酒信念永不動搖,堅持最高品質 的心意相通。酒廠的年度限量酒款,6月與11月出品,入手困難的極致酒款。

《八海山酒造》創業於大正11年(1922年),距今已有八十八年釀酒歷史。酒廠位於新潟縣南部的魚沼地區,四周被日本百大名山之一的八海山環抱。酒廠水 源取自八海山系地層伏流水,通稱『雷電樣清水』,1986年6月榮獲新潟縣的指定名水,是極珍貴的天然軟水,造就了八海山酒款酒質溫和,順暢不膩的口感! 



NABESHIMA 鍋島 富久千代酒造 佐賀県



                        駒ヶ岳竜胆單一麥芽威士忌 70cl 52.0%

本坊酒造於1872年成立,及後在1918年開始日本燒酒製造。 岩井喜一郎於1945年加入本坊酒造及建立「MAR WHISKY 蒸餾廠」Mars Whisky 製造出的威士忌被評價為比蘇格蘭威士忌更出色,在日本被認定為威士忌中的「寶石」。 本坊酒造的威士忌蒸餾所有兩個,分別為MARS WHISKY 蒸餾所位於鹿兒島(1945年成立),及位於信州的Mars Shinshu蒸餾廠( 1985 年成立)。
代表長野縣紫藍色的 RINDO 縣花作酒標,2012年蒸餾的麥芽威士忌與已經超過20年陳釀威士忌混合,豐富的乾果香味,口感和諧。


Suntory was started by Tori Shinjiro, who first opened his store Torii Shoten in Osaka on February 1, 1899, to sell imported wines. In 1907, the store began selling a sweet tasting red wine called Akadama Port Wine. The store became the Kotobukiya company in 1921 to further expand its business and in 1923, Torii Shinjiro built Japan's first malt whisky distillery Yamazaki Distillery. Production began in December 1924 and five years later Suntory Whisky Shirofuda (White Label), the first single malt whisky made in Japan, was sold.

Due to shortages during World War 2, Kotobukiya was forced to halt its development of new products, but in 1946 it re-released Torys Whisky, which sold well in post-war Japan. In 1961, Kotobukiya launched the "Drink Torys and Go to Hawaii" campaign. At the time, a trip abroad was considered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In 1963, Kotobukiya changed its name to "Suntory", taken from the name of the whisky it produces. In the same year, Musashino Beer Factory began its production of the Suntory Beer. In 1997, the company became Japan's sole bottler, distributor, and licensee of Pepsi products.

On April 1, 2009, Suntory became a stockholding company named Suntory Holdings Limited (サントリーホールディングス株式会社) and established Suntory Beverage and Food Limited (サントリー食品株式会社), Suntory Products Limited (サントリープロダクツ株式会社), Suntory Wellness Limited (サントリーウェルネス株式会社), Suntory Liquors Limited (サントリー酒類株式会社), Suntory Beer & Spirits Limited (サントリービア&スピリッツ株式会社), Suntory Wine International Limited (サントリーワインインターナショナル株式会社), and Suntory Business Expert Limited (サントリービジネスエキスパート株式会社).

On July 14, 2009, Kirin announced that it was negotiating with Suntory on a merger.On February 8, 2010, it was announced that negotiations between the two were terminated.
In 2009 they acquired Orangina, the orange soft drink for 300 billion yen, and Frucor energy drinks for 600 million euros.On 2 July 2013 the company debuted on the Tokyo stock exchange and raised almost US$4 billion in the process.

In January 2014, Suntory announced an agreement to buy the largest U.S. bourbon producer, Beam Inc. for US$16 billion.This deal would make Suntory the world's third largest spirits maker.The acquisition was completed on April 30, 2014, when it was also announced that Beam would be renamed as Beam Suntory.

Also in January 2014, Suntory purchased the drinks division of British GlaxoSmithKline. This included the brands Lucozade and Ribena, however, the deal did not include Horlicks.



Talisker 18 Year Old 70cl 45.8%

Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt

The nose is quite clean and fresh. There is a mixed fruity sweetness with a spicy character. The peat and smoke rise with notes of perfume and thick oak. Hints of Calvados and a touch of acidity with ground ginger. The palate is thick and rich and full-bodied. Notes of spicy, peppery oak, espresso beans and wood smoke. A little allspice creeps in, there is a certain zesty character lurking somewhere. The spice builds and builds with utter intent. The finish is long and with peppery oak.

Awards for Talisker 18

Gold Islands Single Malt 13 to 20 Years - 2016
World Whiskies Awards
Master Highlands & Islands 13-18yo - 2015
The Scotch Whisky Masters (The Spirits Business)


Talisker 30 Year Old 70cl 45.8%

Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt

Nose: Elegant smoke blends together effortlessly with red fruits and coastal peat.
Palate: A finely-tuned balance of sweetness from plump berries and an enjoyable peppery heat. Its age shines through.
Finish: Final flourishes of smoke and salinity.
Overall: An elegant, refined and wholly exhilarating Talisker.

Talisker Storm 70cl 45.8%

Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt

Nose: Initial brine, but not as abrupt as the 10 Year Old, quite creamy by comparison. Banana. Banana angel delight? Window putty, hint of sticking plasters and barbecues, citrus. White pepper develops towards the bottom of the glass.
Palate: Thick and mouth-coating with wood smoke, brine, some tin and chilli heat too.
Finish: Red chilli peppers and oak dryness with a hint of embers.
Overall: A welcome addition to the Talisker range, and probably the smokiest whisky to be produced on the Isle of Skye.

Awards for Talisker Storm

1st Place
1st Place Best Single Malt Scotch (Islands) - 2015
International Whisky Competition
2nd Place
2nd Place Best Single Malt NAS - 2015
International Whisky Competition
2nd Place
2nd Place Best Peated Whisky - 2015
International Whisky Competition
Gold Highlands & Islands NAS - 2015
The Scotch Whisky Masters (The Spirits Business)
Gold Distillers' Single Malts 12 years and under - 2014
International Spirits Challenge
Silver Outstanding
Silver Outstanding Scotch Single Malt - Island - 2014
International Wine & Spirit Competition
Bronze Islands Single Malt No Age Statement - 2014
World Whiskies Awards
Bronze Premium - 2013
Malt Maniacs Awards

Talisker 10 Year Old 70cl 45.8%

Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt

Nose: Thick, pungent smoke. Notes of kippers, seaweed, apple peels. Fresh and fragrant.
Palate: Full bodied with huge plumes of smoke and volcanic, peppery peat. Intense.
Finish: Long finish, barley, malt.

Awards for Talisker 10

Master Highlands & Islands up to 12yo - 2015
The Scotch Whisky Masters (The Spirits Business)
2nd Place
2nd Place Best Single Malt Scotch (Islands) - 2015
International Whisky Competition
Gold Distillers' Single Malts 12 years and under - 2014
International Spirits Challenge
Bronze Islands Single Malt 12 Years and Under - 2014
World Whiskies Awards
Silver Highlands & Islands up to 12yo - 2014
The Scotch Whisky Masters (The Spirits Business)
Silver Scotch Single Malt - Island - 2014
International Wine & Spirit Competition
Double Gold
Double Gold Single Malt Scotch - to 12 Yrs - 2013
San Francisco World Spirits Competition
Gold Outstanding
Gold Outstanding Scotch Single Malt - Island - 2013
International Wine & Spirit Competition
Silver Daily Dram - 2013
Malt Maniacs Awards
Gold Highlands & Islands up to 12yo - 2013
The Scotch Whisky Masters (The Spirits Business)

The distillery was founded in 1830 by Hugh and Kenneth MacAskill, and built in 1831 at Carbost after a number of false starts on other sites when they acquired the lease of Talisker House from the MacLeod of MacLeod. The distillery was rebuilt 1880–87 and extended in 1900. When a new lease for the distillery was negotiated with the chief of Clan MacLeod in 1892 the annual payment was to be £23.12s and a ten-gallon cask of best-quality Talisker. It was rebuilt in 1960 after a stillhouse fire completely destroyed the distillery. The distillery operates five stills; two wash stills and three spirit stills. All the stills use worm tubs (condensing coils) rather than a modern condenser, which are believed to give the whisky a "fuller" flavour (itself an indication of higher sugar content). During this early period, the whisky was produced using a triple distilling method, but changed to the more conventional double distilling in 1928. Talisker was acquired by Distillers Company in 1925 and is now part of Diageo. After the 1960 fire, five exact replicas of the original stills were constructed to preserve the original Talisker flavour. In 1972 the stills were converted to steam heating and the maltings floor was demolished. Talisker’s water comes from springs directly above the distillery via a network of pipes and wells.
The malted barley used in production comes from Muir of Ord. Talisker has an unusual feature—swan neck lye pipes. A loop in the pipes takes the vapour from the stills to the worm tubs so some of the alcohol already condenses before it reaches the cooler. It then runs back in to the stills and is distilled again. Talisker now has an annual output of three and a half million litres of spirit.
Talisker was the favourite whisky of writers Robert Louis Stevenson and HV Mouton. In his poem "The Scotsman's Return From Abroad", Stevenson mentioned "The king o' drinks, as I conceive it, Talisker, Islay, or Glenlivet."

1848年售予北方蘇格蘭銀行,租借給唐諾‧麥克里蘭(1963年破產)而後由約翰‧安德森(1987年破產)承接。亞歷山大‧格里戈爾 ‧艾倫 及羅德里克‧坎姆帕接手後,到了1898年,泰斯卡成為銷售單一純麥威士忌最大的蒸餾廠之一。
1987年前以8年份裝瓶銷售,其後則改以10年份裝瓶並成為Classic Malts威士忌系列之一