2016年5月28日 星期六


The Bowmore Distillery was established in 1779 by a local merchant, John P. Simson, before passing into the ownership of the Mutter family, a family of German descent. James Mutter, head of the family, also had farming interests and was Vice Consul representing the Ottoman Empire, Portugal, and Brazil through their Glasgow consulates.There are no records that pinpoint the date Mutter acquired the distillery from Simpson. Mutter would introduce a number of innovative processes to the distillery during his tenure and even had a small iron steam ship built to import barley and coal from the mainland and to export the whisky to Glasgow.A bottle of 1850 Bowmore Single Malt was sold at an auction in September 2007 for £29,400.

The distillery was bought from the Mutter family in 1925 by J.B. Sheriff & Co. and remained under their ownership until being purchased by Inverness-based William Grigor & Son, Ltd. in 1950.

During the World Wars the Bowmore Distillery halted production, and hosted the RAF Coastal Command for much of World War 2, Coastal Command operated flying boats from Loch Indaal on Anti-submarine warfare missions.

Stanley P. Morrison and James Howat formed Stanley P. Morrison Ltd. in 1951, and this company formed Morrison's Bowmore Distillery, Ltd. in 1963 in order to take over the Bowmore Distillery. Stanley P. Morrison died in 1971, and control of the companies passed to Brian Morrison.The company name has changed slightly, and, following minor restructuring, the distillery is now owned by Morrison Bowmore Distillers Ltd., which is ultimately owned by the Japanese distiller Suntory, following their takeover of Morrison Bowmore Distillers Ltd. during 1994. Suntory had previously been a shareholder in Morrison Bowmore for several years.

波摩酒廠是蘇格蘭最古老的威士忌酒廠之一。自 1779 年創立以來,矗立於蘇格蘭西邊艾雷島(Island of Islay)上的 Indaal灣海岸邊。時至今日,仍堅持使用最優良的古法釀酒,由代代相傳的師傅,以人工的方式攪動麥芽,在眾多酒廠中只有七家酒廠仍沿用此法。接著,以 浸泡過海水的泥煤燻乾麥芽,賦予威士忌濃烈的海潮香氣;純淨無染的Laggan 河,歷經了高山岩層及地下泥煤層的仔細過濾後,讓酒憑添幾許甘甜風味;而最後以西班牙雪莉酒和美國波本威士忌橡木桶陳年的過程,更讓波摩威士忌在低於海平 面的神秘 1 號酒窖的長久沉睡中,得到最完美的孕育。
由於波摩酒廠製酒歷年來國際大賽獲獎無數,堪稱是各大酒展比賽的常勝軍。 1995 年在國際葡萄酒與烈酒比賽(IWSC)榮獲「年度最佳蒸餾酒廠」的殊榮;1997 年更獲得英國蘇格蘭麥芽酒廠評鑑機構(Malt distillery of Scotch Classification)遴選為五星級單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌酒廠;更在 1996、1997、1998 連續三年獲得英國女皇頒與「英國優良出口廠商大獎」。

