2016年5月28日 星期六


Cragganmore is a Scotch whisky distillery situated in the village of Ballindalloch in Banffshire, Scotland .
The distillery was founded in 1869 by John Smith on land leased from Sir George Macpherson-Grant. The site was chosen by Smith both for its proximity to the waters of the Craggan burn and because it was close to the Strathspey Railway. Smith was an experienced distiller, having already been manager of the Macallan, Glenlivet, Glenfarclas and Wishaw distilleries.
The Strathspey Railway is now disused and forms the Speyside Way long-distance walking route.
Cragganmore is marketed by United Distillers under their Classic Malts brand.

Cragganmore 克拉格摩爾成立於1869年,曾於1917及1934二度關廠,是一家獨具特色的斯貝塞小型蒸餾廠,其所生產的單一麥芽威士忌,號稱是斯貝塞擁有最複雜風 格的威士忌產品。其酒體中度醇厚,香氣、口感與後韻皆是極度複雜且具豐富層次,讓行家對之推崇不已。(*已逝威士忌大師 Michael Jackson 稱 Cragganmore 為斯佩塞香氣最複雜的酒廠)。

Cragganmore雖然知名度不如麥卡倫,但它卻是斯貝賽的最佳酒廠之一,尤其是Diageo收購後,列入帝亞吉歐六大麥芽威士忌品牌更使之威 名大盛。酒廠的蒸餾器經過特殊設計,尺寸小而頸部窄,頂端是平的,林思臂從側面分支伸出,這使得倒流量最大化,且易於收集特定風味。這是這支威士忌特具複 雜度的主要原因,它是Old Parr老伯威士忌的主要基酒。

