2016年5月28日 星期六


The Macallan 15 Year Old Fine Oak 70cl 43.0%

Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt

The nose is quite subtle and of medium-body. There are notes of rich, lush stone fruits and Bramley apple, a hint of peel and some Calvados notes. There are some dry wood notes with a definite mustiness. The palate is quite full and round with plenty of bourbon notes. The winter spices and vanilla crème abound with a chewy oak underlying. A little dark chocolate appears. The finish is of medium-length with dry oak.

The Macallan Fine Oak 15 Details

Country Scotch Whisky
Region Speyside Whisky
Distillery The Macallan
Bottler The Macallan
Age 15 year old Whisky
Style Single Malt Whisky
Alcohol 43.0%
Volume 70cl

The Macallan Gold - 1824 Series 70cl 40.0%

Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt

Nose: This burnished gold spirit presents a lemon citrus nose, the orange peel and an interlacing sweetness that softens but doesn't eliminate the zest. A quiet note of vanilla is followed by dark chocolate - more assertive, yet not overly so - with a lingering floral and light oak notes.
Palate: Citrus and boiled sweets rule the palate, along with hints of ginger and cinnamon, while soft oak tones reveal toasted apples.
Finish: The finish is medium sweet, malty and slightly dry.

The Macallan Gold Details

Country  Scotch Whisky
                   Region Spryside Whisky
            Distillery The Macallan
               Bottler The Macallan
                          Style Single Malt Whisky
    Alcohol 40.0%
 Volume 70cl

The Macallan Amber - 1824 Series 70cl 40.0%

Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt

Nose: Soft aromatic vanilla, lemon and barley with hints of ginger. Milk chocolate buttons and hints of Sun-Maid Raisins.
Palate: Surprisingly thick and fruity compared to the nose. Golden sultanas, dates, apple peelings and a dusting of cinnamon. Cereal notes on the mid-palate, joined by mince pies with crumbly shortbread.
Finish: Fragrant oak finish, with the mince pie notes lingering.
Overall: The second level in the 1824 Series, after the more citrus-led Gold.

The Macallan Amber Details

               Country  Scotch Whisky
                   Region Spryside Whisky
            Distillery The Macallan
               Bottler The Macallan
                          Style Single Malt Whisky
    Alcohol 40.0%
 Volume 70cl

Awards for The Macallan Amber

Bronze Scotch Single Malt - Speyside - 2013
International Wine & Spirit Competition


The Macallan Whisky Maker's Edition 70cl 42.8%

Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt

Nose: Spicy and sweet, some marmalade, cocoa and orange rind, chocolate, coffee beans and cinnamon spice.
Palate: Thick and luscious, big on juicy ripe fruits, date cake, cedar, sherried peels and fudge.
Finish: Long and spiced, Jaffa cakes...

                      Macallan Whisky Maker's Details

                                                      Country  Scotch Whisky
                                                              Region Spryside Whisky
                                                            Distillery The Macallan
                                                               Bottler The Macallan
                                                                 Style Single Malt Whisky
                                                              Alcohol 42.8%
                                                              Volume 70cl

The Macallan distillery is a single malt Scotch whisky in Craigellachie, Moray. The Macallan Distillers Ltd, is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Edrington Group which purchased the brand from Highland Distillers in 1999.
In 2009, The Herald reported that Macallan was "the world’s third largest-selling single malt (behind Glenfiddich and Glenlivet) with over 500,000 cases a year, and second largest by value". T The Scotsman published a quote from Ken Grier on 16 August 2009, stating: "We have now overcome Glenfiddich to move into the second biggest selling single malt by volume behind Glenlivet". In 2011, Edrington Group reported that prior-year sales of The Macallan were up 8% to over 700,000 cases and the BBC also reported that an office was being opened in New York to continue growth in the American market.
Originally, The Macallan was matured only in oak sherry casks brought to the distillery from Jerez, Spain. Beginning in 2004, The Macallan introduced a new main product, the Fine Oak series, with the whisky mellowed in bourbon oak casks as well as sherry ones.

麥卡倫的酒廠前身是由Alexander Reid所有,1824年取得了當時蘇格蘭少有的釀酒執照,當時他以所在地Easter Elchies命名酒廠為Elchies。這塊原本是高地趕牛的歇腳地,當時就聚集了很多的威士忌蒸餾廠,當時獨具慧眼的Roderick Kemp賣掉了原本位於Skye島的Talisker酒廠後,在1892年接下了Elchies經營幾十年的酒廠,並將酒廠改名為Macallan。

Easter Elchies House作為酒廠的發源地,代表的是酒廠那淵源久遠的歷史,Easter Elchies House的歷史可上溯至1700年,建造者是John Grant上尉,麥卡倫是蘇格蘭當時唯一擁有此類型莊園的蒸餾酒廠,蘇格蘭雖然酒廠眾多,但是僅有少數酒廠在19世紀初期就拿到執照。
 麥卡倫擁有斯貝河畔最小巧的蒸餾器,酒廠寧可相當費工夫的增加蒸餾器的數量,也不願意改變蒸餾器的形狀與大小。需知蒸餾器是酒廠的靈魂,它的大小 與形狀影響所蒸餾出酒的特色與品質。蘇格蘭麥芽威士忌使用的是傳統的罐式蒸餾器,這種類似洋蔥狀以黃銅製成的蒸餾器有吸附雜質讓酒質純淨化的效果。蒸餾的 原理很簡單:也就是將發酵完成的酒汁(Wash)注入這封閉式的蒸餾器中加熱,藉由酒精與水沸點的不同而讓酒精提前蒸發出來,之後經過冷凝而收集到高酒精 度的酒。不過技巧也就在這裡:酒精蒸氣在溢出的過程中會與銅壁接觸凝結而造成倒流,這個倒流會增加雜質與銅壁接觸的機會而析出。麥卡倫的寬頸直式蒸餾器與 那頂上斜斜向下的林恩臂讓酒精蒸氣快速溢出,這是造就它雄厚酒體的主因。

但是在雄厚酒體之下仍然能夠維持純淨本質的祕密就是因為小容量蒸 餾器,小型蒸餾器相形之下讓同體積的蒸餾酒液接觸較多的銅壁。麥卡倫仍然維持第一次蒸餾時採取直火加熱的手段,配合上寬頸直式蒸餾器是保留雄厚酒體的不二 法門,從而與它那著名的雪莉桶風味有著絕妙的結合。這個獨特的斯貝賽產區最小巧的蒸餾器也隨著麥卡倫行銷世界而聞名於世,也無怪乎蘇格蘭銀行發行的10元 英鎊紙鈔會採用麥卡倫最小巧的蒸餾器作為圖案。
 任何蒸餾酒取出最純淨的酒心則是所有威士忌廠商所要參透的課題,當風味最豐美的酒心提出後,後段的酒尾風味便迅速的下滑。擷取酒心的比重越少,酒 精的濃度越高,酒質也越接近巔峰,這比例每家酒廠在利潤與酒質的拉鋸下各有各的手法。麥卡倫自始至終堅持16%比例的酒心,這是蘇格蘭威士忌酒廠最奢侈的 比例,但維持一貫的品質,堅持給所有威士忌的行家們最具風味的部分,這16%的酒心也是麥卡倫所引以為傲的比例。
決定威士忌的口感的一大部分取決於陳年所使用的橡木桶。經典雪莉桶系列, 一直是麥卡倫最具代表性的作品. 獨家採用頂級西班牙赫雷茲(Jerez)精選出來的Oloroso雪莉桶精釀熟成. 頂級的歐洲雪莉桶向來物少珍稀, 但為了釀造出令人滿意, 有著奧妙深度的單一麥芽威士忌, 麥卡倫始終堅持經典雪莉桶系列百分之百以雪莉橡木桶陳年醞釀,用蓋一棟摩天大樓的時間來打造一個橡木桶. 氣味上雪莉桶的香氣濃厚馥郁, 口感柔軟順圓潤, 而且擁有更深邃的酒色. 這渾然天成的酒色可不是一般酒廠添加人工香料或焦糖可調配而成的。
威士忌製作的原理簡單,用的材料也簡單,單一麥芽威士忌更是簡中求精的三大部分,大麥、酵母以及水。麥卡倫酒廠用的大麥是種植在酒廠附近,占地廣達 150公頃的Minstrel大麥,用來釀酒的水則是取自於莊園旁的井水,而用的酵母更是經過精挑細選。這每樣成分皆要取得精華才能讓麥卡倫從單純中達到 卓越。
接近兩百年的麥卡倫,靠著就是理念的堅持及工藝的傳承而壯大。越見複雜的現代生活,對簡單、純粹的堅持卻越顯困難,但麥卡倫這已存在數百年的威士忌 酒廠儘管已名聞於世,卻仍堅持初衷,認真的去面對每個細節,從簡中求樂,這一代代傳承的釀酒人精神,讓你在喝下麥卡倫的暖意中一一浮現!

