2016年5月28日 星期六


Glen Grant 10 Year Old 70cl 40.0%

Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt

Nose: Medium. Vanilla, toffee apple. Herbal, hint of smoke.

Palate: Firm. Sweetness, fruity, vanilla. Gentle peat, malty.

Finish: Dry, supple peat, toffee.

Glen Grant 10 Details

Country Scotch Whisky

Region Speyside Whisky

Distillery Glen Grant

Bottler Glen Grant

Age 10 years old Whisky

Style Single Malt Whisky
Alcohol 40.0%
Volume 70cl


Awards for Glen Grant 10

Gold Liquid Gold Award - 2014
Jim Murray's Whisky Bible
Silver Outstanding
Silver Outstanding Scotch Single Malt - Speyside - 2014
International Wine & Spirit Competition
Gold Single Malt Scotch - to 12 Yrs - 2013
San Francisco World Spirits Competition

Glen Grant was founded in 1840, by brothers John and James Grant, two former illegal distillers and smugglers who decided to take out a license. With the sea and port of Garmouth nearby, the River Spey at its feet and barley-growing plains nearby, all the basic ingredients of malt whisky were close at hand. This time the distillery was legal.
By 1872, the founders of Glen Grant Distillery had died. Young James ‘The Major’ Grant, born in 1847, had always taken a keen interest in the distillery and having inherited the business and the title ‘Glengrant’ from his uncle John Grant, he was to prove himself a worthy successor.

Glen Grant Distillery
Stories about ‘The Major’ abound. A legendary innovator, socialiser and traveller, he lived by his own rules and set his own standards. New ideas fascinated him and he wasn’t afraid to explore them. He was the first man in the Highlands to own a car. Glen Grant was the first distillery to have electric light. And he introduced the tall slender stills and purifiers which created the fresh malty flavour and clear colour that defines Glen Grant whisky to this day.
In 1931, Major Grant, the last Glengrant, died, survived by his three daughters and a distillery that had become one of the most famous in the world. Douglas MacKessack, his grandson, was to become his successor.
In 1972, the Glenlivet and Glen Grant Distilleries Ltd amalgamated with the blending concerns of Hill, Thomson and Co.Ltd and Longmorn Distilleries Ltd to become The Glenlivet Distillers Ltd. The original family interest in the distilleries was maintained, with two substantial outside shareholders: Courage Ltd, the brewing concern and Suntory Ltd, the Japanese distilling company.
In 2006, Campari acquired Glen Grant, its only whisky, when Allied Domecq was acquired by Pernod Ricard. To this day, Glen Grant continues to be one of the biggest selling single malts worldwide.

全球銷量第五大的蘇格蘭單一麥芽威士忌 - 格蘭冠 (Glen Grant Single Malt Whisky),由1840年成立,170多年歷史僅有歷經四代蒸餾大師,代代傳承的是始終如一的品質堅持,第四代蒸餾廠師Dennis MalcOLm由15歲開始在格蘭冠酒廠工作至今55年,由製桶學徒開始,在每個製程中學習琢磨,是該酒廠不可或缺的靈魂人物。今年,為向酒廠奉獻心力 55年的大師致敬,格蘭冠特別製作了「格蘭冠大師精華50週年 - Glen Grant Five Decades」單一麥芽威士忌,由Dennis Malcolm親自挑選工作50多年來跨世代的麥芽原酒調和,不但代表了Dennis從業以來每個世代的成長與粹鍊,也代表了格蘭冠酒廠對這位無可替代的 蒸餾大師最崇高的敬意。

2013起格蘭冠斥資在蒸餾廠中建蓋裝瓶廠,使格蘭冠蒸餾廠成為全蘇格蘭唯一,從原料大麥的取得,到蒸餾裝瓶,採用同樣純淨水源,並且完全在原產地 完成的酒廠。本次Dennis Malcolm首度來台介紹這款對他自己與酒廠都極為特別的「格蘭冠大師精華50週年 - Glen Grant Five Decades」,首度來台的他也相當興奮,67歲在威士忌浸淫55年對威士忌懷抱極大熱忱的Dennis Malcolm說:「Five Decades是由我在格蘭冠工作50多年中所製造釀造的原酒中,分別挑選出代表1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s年代的橡木桶原酒調和而成,橫跨半世紀的原酒於各式橡木桶中緩慢熟成,經過歲月洗禮達到其口感的巔峰、深邃,代表了我在格蘭冠蒸餾廠工作50年 最精華,對我們別具意義」。

「格蘭冠大師精華50週年 - Glen Grant Five Decades」,維持著格蘭冠單一麥芽威士忌的柔軟細膩的水果香氣與滑順的果香餘韻底韻,以明亮金黃色的酒體伴隨著豐富滑順的香草、蜂蜜和 Oloroso雪莉桶風味,層次感十足,豐韻深邃,一如歷經50年在格蘭冠戮力投注的大師精神,令人難以忘懷。

Dennis Malcolm以橡木桶製作學徒的身分,15歲開始在格蘭冠蒸餾廠工作,祖父以及父親也都在格蘭冠蒸餾廠工作的Dennis,承襲威士忌的DNA,從小即 注定了他一生與威士忌的不解之緣。一步一步在格蘭冠蒸餾廠各個製程的崗位上歷練,其間也擔任過威士忌酒廠的品牌大使以及酒廠經理人,50多年來累積深厚的 威士忌產業經歷,對於威士忌調配自然有著獨到的見地。秉持熱情以及決心,延續著兩位創立者(John and James Grant)所提倡的創新理念,從不畏懼創新,以創新的科技維持傳統的品質,著重「品質」以及「人」的完美結合,Dennis強調:「成就一支好的威士忌 取決於『人』而非『機器』。」Mr. Dennis Malcolm以其特有的熱情與無可比擬的專業知識領導格蘭冠蒸餾廠,延續格蘭冠單一麥芽威士忌「純淨、高雅、本該如此」。

