2016年5月28日 星期六


Glenfarclas 25 Year Old 70cl 43.0%

Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt

Nose: A touch of menthol. Classic Sherry notes, less pronounced than the 15 year old perhaps, but the complexity is greater.
Palate: Incredibly clean central palate, but amazingly tangy. Really zingy top notes. Sherry and creamy barley, hints of gingerbread and nutty chocolate.
Finish: Very, very long and complex finish, oak-rich, hints of smoke, cocoa, buttery...
Overall: One of our all-time favourite Speyside malts.

Awards for Glenfarclas 25 Year Old

Silver Outstanding
Silver Outstanding Scotch Single Malt - Speyside - 2014
International Wine & Spirit Competition

Glenfarclas 105 100cl 60.0%

Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt

Nose: Great depth, sherry. Creamy and nutty. Honey on toast, touch of smoky coffee.
Palate: Silken, spicy and peppery oak. Almond, praline, hazelnut, dried peels, fruity. Touch of Armagnac, hint of rancio perhaps?
Finish: Long, peppery and nutty.

Awards for Glenfarclas 105

Gold Liquid Gold Award - 2014
Jim Murray's Whisky Bible
Silver Outstanding
Silver Outstanding Scotch Single Malt - Speyside - 2014
International Wine & Spirit Competition

The distillery was first granted a license in 1836 when it was run by Robert Hay. In 1865 it was bought by John Grant and is still owned and run by his descendants, making it truly independent.
John L.S. Grant, who joined Glenfarclas in 1973, is the current Chairman. His son George S. Grant is Director of Sales. The company was named Distiller of the Year by Whisky Magazine in 2006.
Since 2006 Glenfarclas has been distributed in the UK by Pol Roger Ltd.In 2008 the company began sponsoring horseracing with the Glenfarglas Cross Country Handicap Chase at Cheltenham. In 2011, the 40-year-old 46% vol. expression was named "Scotch Whisky Single Malt of the Year" in the 17th Annual Malt Advocate Whisky Awards

Glenfarclas 格蘭花格“綠草原的山谷”住落於貝里詩(Ben Rinnes)的山腳下,冬天的雪水溶化後成為釀造格蘭花格最重要的山泉水。只選用特優的榖類及歷代傳承的釀酒技術,在蘇格蘭多達百餘家的麥芽威士忌蒸餾 廠裡面,Glenfarclas 格蘭花格可說是最獨特的一家,這樣的說法並不單純只是因為該廠所生產的單一麥芽威士忌在Speyside(斯佩賽)地區的酒款中,各方評價都是最高的。
Glenfarclas 格蘭花格創廠於1836年,長久以來一直都是由家族獨立經營,目前已經傳承到第五代。酒廠使用正統的舖地式(Dunnage)倉庫陳年,而不使用堆疊式 (Racked)倉庫,確保產品的陳年效果。有別於其他蒸餾廠出品的威士忌,主要目的是作為調和威士忌的原料使用,Glenfarclas打從開始釀造的 那一刻起就以作為產品的目標來生產,對於口味上的要求可是絕不妥協。
Glenfarclas 格蘭花格在其他蒸餾廠都已陸續被各大財團併購瓜分、逐漸失去獨立自主性的大環境下,仍然堅持著由家族自立經營,堅持著遵循真正的傳統造酒。在這百家爭鳴的 產業裡面,Glenfarclas可以說是最特立獨行的一股清流,也只有真正不隨波逐流的行家,才懂得欣賞這樣獨特風格的酒廠。

