2016年5月28日 星期六


Springbank 12 Year Old Cask Strength - 53.8%

Springbank 12YO 53.8% Bottling Note

Unveiled in mid-2015, this edition of Springbank's very popular 12 Year Old Cask Strength was aged in a combination of 70% Sherry casks and 30% bourbon casks before being bottled at 53.8% ABV. Plenty of gorgeous Campbeltown character to this one - big spice, smoke and wafts of coastal air, carried along by subtle hints of brown sugar and chewy toffee. Ace.

Country Scotch Whisky
Region Campeltown Whisky
Distillery Springbank
Bottler Springbank
Age 12 years old Whisky
Style Single Malt Whisky
Alcohol 46.0%
Volume 70cl


Springbank 15 Year Old 70cl 46.0%

Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt

Nose: Fragrant with a certain richness. Notes of fruit salad and a hint of caramel, pineapple, guava and passion fruit lurk. There are notes of dried leather and old ropes. A hint of toffee sweetness and some granary toast.
Palate: Quite full and rich. There are notes of creamy fruit salad and more exotic fruit notes. There is palpable mastication from the oaked tannins with a hint of spice.
Finish: Fairly long with a gentle warmth.

Springbank 15 Details

Country Scotch Whisky
Region Campeltown Whisky
Distillery Springbank
Bottler Springbank
Age 15 years old Whisky
Style Single Malt Whisky
Alcohol 46.0%
Volume 70cl

Awards for Springbank 15

Bronze Daily Dram - 2014
Malt Maniacs Awards

Springbank was established in 1828 on the site of Archibald Mitchell’s illicit still.

The distillery is now in the hands of our current Chairman, Hedley G. Wright, Mitchell’s great, great grandson – the fifth generation of the Mitchell family to own and manage Springbank.

Being based in Campbeltown, the once proclaimed ‘whisky capital of the world’, it is no surprise that many of the methods established by our forefathers are still applied in the distillery today.

Our team use traditional production methods and are involved in each and every step of the whisky making process – meaning our whisky is the most handmade in Scotland. Unlike any other distillery in the country, 100% of this process is carried out here on one site, giving us unrivalled control over the quality of the whisky.

Passion and skill are poured into every last drop during production; ensuring whisky drinkers consistently enjoy the tastes and characteristics that have become synonymous with Springbank, Hazelburn and Longrow, the three distinct single malts made at our distillery.

Visitors to Campbeltown can today enjoy learning about the rich history of our distillery during one of our many tours, held by our welcoming and knowledgeable team. The Springbank Society also offers whisky lovers the chance to attend exclusive events and purchase special edition limited release whiskies, bottled especially for society members.

Incredibly proud of the whisky, the area and the history, we are dedicated to preserving the heritage of the distillery so that Springbank can continue to be enjoyed across the world for centuries to come.

1828 年,蘇格蘭古老釀酒家族 Mitchell 家族選定蘇格蘭西南半島的坎培爾鎮創立雲頂(Springbank)酒廠,運用當地Crosshill 湖水種麥、製酒,擷取豐富大麥與泥煤,熔鑄成口感強勁複雜、飽滿厚重且帶有海水、泥煤及油脂香的作品。今日,雲頂仍不惜成本堅持 100%人工翻麥、地板發芽,鋪在石質地板上的大麥透過工人 24 小時輪班翻攪抛動,在最平衡的時間及溫度下發芽、糖化,品質遠超過一般機械量產麥芽,縱觀全蘇格蘭只剩 7 間酒廠仍堅持此道。
此 外,這 間蘇格蘭唯一一家從生產麥芽、蒸餾、陳年到裝瓶皆自給自足的大型酒廠,傳承近 200 年至今,旗下威士忌自發酵、蒸餾到儲存,幾乎採取全手工方式打造,更堅持不冷凝過濾、不加焦糖著色,維繫最正統的蘇格蘭威士忌風味。2010 年,雲頂酒廠不負眾望,以堅強實力勇奪「2010 年度最佳蒸餾廠」肯定!
雲頂也是蘇格蘭唯一一家可游刃有餘的生產三種風格各異單一麥芽威士忌的酒廠;旗下朗格羅(Longrow)於 1973年開始蒸餾,1997 年赫佐本(Hazelburn)接著復工,加上原有的雲頂,三者分別嚴守不同的烘烤、蒸餾次數製酒,展現獨立深刻的個性。

